Student Spotlight

Ahnaf Chowdhury

Resides in North York, Ontario

Bachelor of IT - Computer Networking & Security – Ontario Tech University

Ahnaf's dedication to Islamic studies is evident as he progresses through the Alimiyyah program at Al Salam Institute (ASI). Having completed two years of online study, he is now delving into the comprehensive curriculum of his third year. Courses in Ihkam, Seerah, Fiqh Quduri, Ulum al Quran, Aqeedah, Nawh – Qatr, and I’rab Juz Amma fill his schedule as he pursues a deeper understanding of Islam.

Ahnaf's ambition extends beyond mere completion of the program; he aims to master the intricacies of Islamic jurisprudence, particularly focusing on Usul al Fiqh and exploring various madhahibs. His ultimate goal is to apply his knowledge in his daily life and share it with his family, embodying the teachings of Islam through practice and example.